Tournament Rules


  1. This is a flats and fly only Bonefishing tournament.

  2. IGFA rules apply, except where otherwise stated within these rules.

  3. No heavier than a twelve (12) pound test line (Manufacturer's Stated Test) may be used.

  4. Only one (1) working rod per Angler is allowed in the water at any time.

  5. All Anglers must be accompanied by a Licensed Guide provided by the Rules Committee.

  6. Bonefish are protected and therefore all bonefishing is catch and release.

  7. A tournament measuring device, strap, and scoresheet will be provided. There is no minimum length of fish.

  8. To constitute a catch, a fish must be boated, photographed with your own digital camera and/or cell phone camera on the provided measuring instrument, and released alive. A poor quality photo, a partial fish photo, or no photo can completely disqualify a catch at the discretion of the Tournament Rules Committee. All photos must be clear and have the ability to be enlarged. The photo must clearly show the tournament-provided measuring device laid parallel to the fish, with the nose of the fish touching the Bump end of the provided measuring device. The photo should leave no question as to the length of the fish.

  9. The Angler may wade from the boat to fish.

  10. Only the Angler may touch the rod, reel, or line. Exception: when boating or releasing the fish, the guide may then touch the line but no more than the length of the rod from the hook.

  11. Fishing range is unlimited. All boats must leave from and return to the tournament headquarters each day by water.

  12. Fishing hours will be announced at the Tournament Rules Meetings.
There will be no fishing before or after tournament hours.

  13. Only traditional flies with a single hook are allowed.

  14. No chumming. No tipping the fly with scent or bait. There shall be no bait on board the vessel during the tournament.

  15. The use of a drone is strictly prohibited during the tournament days.

  16. All protests must be submitted in written form to the Tournament Rules Committee by 5:00PM on the day of fishing that the proposed infraction occurred.

  17. Ties shall be broken by the longest bonefish caught by the tied participants during the tournament.

  18. The Tournament Director reserves the right to refuse tournament entry to any prospective entrant with or without cause at his or her sole discretion.

  19. This tournament relies on the honesty and integrity of its Anglers and Guides to remain one of the most prestigious fly fishing events in saltwater. Thank you all for your dedication to the sport!



In the event that you are unable to attend the Abaco Legacy Classic, your Tournament registration and/or Guest registration may be canceled as per the following:

  • Cancellations before midnight CST on March 17, 2022, will be eligible for a full refund.

  • Cancellations from March 18, 2022, until midnight CST on March 31, 2022, will receive a 50% refund.*

  • Cancellations from April 1, 2022 will not be eligible for a refund.*

* If we are able to fill your spot with a full-paying participant before the event, you will receive a full refund.

All refunds will be issued back to the same credit card that was used for the initial payment.

Tournament registrations and Guest registrations are transferable up until April 14, 2022. Please communicate such changes as soon as possible, via email, to

In the event that the Tournament cannot take place on the scheduled dates for the safety of its participants, guests, or hosts (for example, due to war, pandemics, acts of God, etc), The Liquid Legacy/Abaco Legacy Classic reserves the right to reschedule the Tournament. All registrations will automatically be carried over to the new dates. If a Participant or Guest would prefer a refund, this should be requested within the specified timeline of the new dates, as communicated by The Liquid Legacy/Abaco Legacy Classic.


As a Tournament Participant or Guest, you expressly assume all risks associated with your participation in the Tournament and for yourself, your executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors and assigns. You hereby waive, release and discharge The Liquid Legacy/Abaco Legacy Classic, its affiliates and subsidiaries, the hosts, sponsors, and Tournament series officials (“Released Parties”) from any and all losses, liabilities, claims, damages, and expenses (including without limitation, attorneys fees and related costs), of any kind (hereinafter “Claims”) arising out of or in connection with your participation in the Tournament, including but not limited to Claims involving death, disability, personal injury, and/or property damage. You hereby indemnify, hold harmless, and promise not to sue the Released Parties for any and all Claims arising as a result of your participation in this Tournament. You acknowledge that this Tournament may carry with it the potential for death, serious injury, and personal loss. The risks may include, but are not limited to, those caused by water conditions, temperature, weather, equipment, actions of other people including, but not limited to, participants, volunteers, and spectators. This release of liability shall be construed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximum extent permissible under applicable law.

As a Tournament Participant or Guest, you shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Released Parties against all Claims, whether or not a lawsuit or other proceeding is filed, to the extent that they arise out of: (1) your breach of the terms of this Agreement; (2) gross negligence or willful misconduct by yourself, your agents, or those acting on your behalf; (3) your violation of any applicable law, ordinance, rule, or regulation, including but not limited to all rules and guidelines applicable to Tournament events; (4) breach of any warranty provided by you to Released Parties hereunder. You shall provide The Liquid Legacy/Abaco Legacy Classic with prompt notice of any claim and give complete control of its defense and settlement to The Liquid Legacy/Abaco Legacy Classic. You shall also cooperate in all reasonable respects with The Liquid Legacy/Abaco Legacy Classic, its insurance company, the Released Parties (as applicable), and their legal counsel in the defense of such claim. If you fail to promptly indemnify and defend a covered claim, the Released Parties shall have the right to defend themselves, and in such case, you shall promptly reimburse the Released Parties for all of their associated costs and expenses.